Home > Hit a slump...

Hit a slump...

October 18th, 2008 at 02:32 pm

In another one of my slumps...seems like I can't get away from them this year.

Money is beyond tight. This whole working sporadically thing needs to stop. I am picking up more shifts at the tarot store, but some days there are just no customers. And since I get paid per reading, if there are no customers, there is no money. Next week I am back to temping (I hope). Hopefully they will have something for me quickly. And I am doing freelance work, but the 20 hours a week is actually more like 2!! Not helpful.

We are behind on bills, over our budget (budget? DO we even have one of those anymore??), wanting to spend and caving in, and raising our CC debt.

Some days we do good, others not so. I'd like to think I've learened something in the last 2 years here, but the truth is that I am barely past where I was then. I need more discipline.

2 Responses to “Hit a slump...”

  1. scfr Says:

    Koppur - Quite awhile ago I left a message about a company you might want to look in to regarding a job ... Did you see that? If not, I could send you a PM ...

  2. Amber Says:

    Good luck,
    I will keep my fingers crossed and say a prayer. It's tough but hang in there

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