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Posted on Craigslist

May 9th, 2008 at 12:35 am

I put some of my more collectible books up on Craigslist tonight. I listed 4 books about Lizzie Borden, and 5 books about a local woman called Hetty Green. I priced them fairly for what you would pay in a used bookstore (not as high). Hopefully someone will bite.

I hate getting rid of books and thinning my book collection, but we just don't have the space here in the new apartment, plus I need to make some extra money with my job ending next week. And even if I get another new contact ASAP, I can use the extra money to pay off debt and replenish what I am taking from the EF for the air conditioner this weekend.

I have some more things to list as well, such as about 5 or 6 purses I just don't use that are taking up space in the closet and some never word, BN with tags dresses and clothes.

One thing I have realized though, is that I am becoming happies with not buying and having so many material things. Getting rid of all the extras isn't as hard as I thought it would be. I actually feel better with everything I sell/donate.

Look at me, being all adult and responsible. Smile

1 Responses to “Posted on Craigslist”

  1. Amber Says:

    Good luck, I was going to post on Ebay a hand bag but I think I will put it on craiglist for free and see if I get any takers

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