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As soon as I finish saving, needs come up...

May 7th, 2008 at 01:52 pm

Blah. It figures. I have almost fully funded me EF, and am just about set to start putting all extra cash to my CC debt. What happens? Two semi-expensive needs arise.

Our AC from last year in kaput. We could always not have one in the bedroom, but with the heat of the summer, combined with my always being overheated from the MS, and my MS symptoms getting worse in the heat, we really need one. We don't have one anywhere else, and I need it to be cold to sleep. Plus, I just really need one place where I can strip down and cool off when I am having an attack. So, we need a new one. Luckily I found one online at for under $100 that should work nicely. Our bedroom is not too big, so we don't need a 10,000 BTU or anything like that. The best part? will ship it to our local Walmart for free, and we can pick it up there (as opposed to having it shipped to our house for $18).

The other need, which is going to be a bit more that $100, is my glasses. I've had the same prescription for over 2 years now, and I need a new one. And, I need new contacts. The few I still have left are an even older prescription than my glasses. I don't want new frames; I love the ones I have. It's just the new lenses and contacts. I can always not get contacts, but I hate wearing my glasses in the summer. Or, since I will only be wearing my glasses in the house for a few hrs a day, I can just get new contacts and not new glasses. Argh, decisions, decisions.

I know we are taking $100 out of the EF for the AC. Not sure where the money for the contacts will come from.

Whatever happens, though, I am going to pay off this CC debt!!! Smile

6 Responses to “As soon as I finish saving, needs come up...”

  1. aevans1206 Says:

    You go girl! I know places like visionworks and america's best have discounted frames. Maybe you could try one of those avenues?

  2. Aleta Says:

    Thank goodness you had that money to back you up. Perhaps in the future, you could start allocating a fund for medical payouts and one for house maintenance. It takes a while to build up these funds but they are a god send when you need them. Any little thing now will seem overwhelming to you until you have more savings.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    I understand how you feel. My brain works like that, too!
    I think it's great that you have the CASH to pay for these things...even if the EF takes a hit.

    I think I would just get the new contacts...your prescription can be for both, but hold off on the glasses. You can always get those 5-6 months from now.

    Keep up the good work.

  4. snoopycool Says:

    For glasses, you can go to (once you get your new prescrip). Clark Howard purchases his from there and loves them ( ). I hope this helps.

  5. Koppur Says:

    Thanks for the tips on places for cheaper glasses!!!! You guys rock! Smile

  6. scfr Says:

    This is why you have the EF! Just remind yourself that if you did not have it, you would be racking up more cc debt, and give yourself a pat on the back.

    And for you, the AC is definitely a NEED ... Congratulations on being financially prepared to take proper care of yourself.

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