Home > Debt vs Savings, Part 2

Debt vs Savings, Part 2

May 5th, 2008 at 04:03 pm

I've done some thinking this weekend over that debt vs savings argument my mind was having. I think that the point of not really being secure financially with credit card debt is a very key one. But, I also like the security of having a savings, so if something come up that I need (car repairs, fort instance) I don't have to put it on the CC, thereby giving myself more debt.

So, I have decided to take some of the FAB advice I got here. When my EF hits $1,000 I will stop saving and start putting all extra money towards paying off my CC debt. Now, I know it seems like that will take forever, since my EF is currently only $176.17 But here is the hidden part of this plan. I am going to take the $756.59 I have in my personal savings and transfer that to my EF. Thereby giving myself almost the $1,000 in my EF I want. Personal savings can be rebuilt up when this debt is gone.

Lookit, I'm being responsible.

Yay me.


Old EF Balance: $176.17
Personal savings turned EF: $756.59
New EF balance: $932.76

8 Responses to “Debt vs Savings, Part 2”

  1. merch Says:


  2. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    Isn't it wonderful that you now have CHOICES???

    I think it was David Bach in one of his books that explained that the psychology was just as important as the financial numbers.

    When we were where you are now and paying off CCs, I had to have some in the Emergency Fund first. Then I paid on those darn CC's like crazy. But it didn't make sense TO ME to pay the CCs down and not have any money set aside if an emergency came up (and it did) and we'd just have to go right back to charging. So for us, having some EF worked better than just all going to the CC at first. We got the EF in place and THEN went all gazelle intense on the CCs.

  3. ceejay74 Says:

    That is so great! And look how quickly you scraped together nearly a thousand bucks. Do that 4 more times and your credit card is done for, and you can start saving for fun things again!

  4. managinglife Says:

    I sounds like you are on point!

  5. Aleta Says:

    The great part of what you are doing is paying down debt with having some savings. If something happens, you could always borrow the money again and repay it. It's just a chance that you have to take and usually nothing major happens.

  6. creditcardfree Says:

    Excellent. I think you will much better having all that money combined, too. How long until you think you have the EF fully funded?

  7. boomeyers Says:

    Awesome! That is great that you already had saved that much for yourself! Go girl!

  8. Amber Says:

    I love the way you started this post "I've done some thinking this weekend over that debt vs savings argument my mind was having" I have these very same arguements
    I think you have made the right choice Smile

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