Home > Library Book Sale

Library Book Sale

May 4th, 2008 at 01:01 pm

Yesterday my sister and I went to a Library Book Sale. I love these. You can get a great variety of really cheap books, plus the money goes towards stocking the library with new books, or library repairs, or whatever the library needs.

I was able to pick up some great finds. I got 11 paperback books in a series my BF reads. He already had 2, but for $1 each, it was OK. He was very happy. Smile

I also got 4 hadcovers for myself. They will be great additions to come on my book collections. $2 each.

But my favorite find is a paperback copy of the Tightwad Gazette!! I was so excited when I saw it in the pile! This is the first one I've ever read, and I have so many new ideas! Big Grin Cost: $1

So, for $20 I got some awesome new books, gifts for the BF, and the grand poo-bah: ways to save more money!! Big Grin

2 Responses to “Library Book Sale”

  1. Petunia Says:

    You'll love the Tightwad Gazette! I was just re-reading parts of it yesterday. Amy D's story is inspiring, and her writing is enjoyable to read. How appropriate to find it at a used book sale.

  2. Amber Says:

    Very nice, $1 for books are definately a great deal for afriend who will definately enjoy them
    Let me know how you like Tightwad Gazette

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