Home > Spendings 8/2

Spendings 8/2

August 3rd, 2007 at 11:38 am

Did good yeaterday. Left work early, a I'm still feeling sick and it's been 2 weeks. Went to the doctor. It's either IBS or an ulcer. Lovely. Spent $15 there for my co-pay. Luckily, my Dr. gave me a month of meds for the pain in free samples. I guess insurance doesn't cover this pill, and it's really expensive, so she just wants me on it for a month and had enough to help me out. Kickarse.

After that went home and just slept off and on the rest of the day. Ran to the grocery store last night. Had exactly $40.68 left in my checking accout but wanted to pick up some things for dinner that night, plus breakfast and lunch the next day, seeing as how payday was the next day and I was out of stuff. Spend $39.61. LOL Came home and finished the week with $1.07 in my accunt. LOL

Thank goodness today is payday!

Dr. Visit: $15
Groceries: $39.61
Total Spendings 8/2: $54.61

1 Responses to “Spendings 8/2”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    Hmm, can you put that $1.07 in your EF? I know you said you were kind of sad that you hadn't put anything in it. Maybe even just a token donation to see it grow a smidge, might help?

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