Home > Vegas, Baby!

Vegas, Baby!

July 5th, 2007 at 12:30 am

We have finally pinned down a date to go to Vegas and move the rest of The Boys things out here. We are going over Thanksgiving, this year. At first we were weary of going over the holiday, but then Mums told us that my Sis and her hubby are going to Texas to visit his parents for Turkey Day and it was OK if we were away too. So, that is our plan. Now, to fund it.

I am seriously still paying off debt, but now saving for the Vegas trip, too. We'll need about $2,000 (this includes hotel, car rental, airplane tix, and money to ship back whatever stuff of The Boys doesn't fit in our suitcases). I want to do as much with cash as possible, and charge as little as possible. I know no matter what we will have to charge something, so my goal is to come up with $2,000 between savings and room on my CC by November 20th.

All extra money will go to CC debt and/or the trip. I am going to put a minimum of $2 a day into a savings account for the trip. My goal will be $5 a day, but at least $2. We have 143 days to save (July 1st - Nov. 20th). We have a tiny little Emigrant account with $2.15 in it. I will be adding to that.

Yesterday I transferred in $18 ($3 a day to take me through July 6th - Friday - which is payday).

Today I transferred in $30. Tomorrow is payday and this $30 is what we had left over from the last paycheck.

Vagas Prev. Balance: $2.15
Vagas additions: $48
New Vagas Total: $50.15

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