Home > Forray into the Library

Forray into the Library

July 3rd, 2007 at 08:47 pm

When I was little I loved the library. I remember walking there with Mums during the summer mornings. I'd load up with 10 or 12 books, as many as my backback could hold. I'd usually have them all read in a day or two and go right back for more. No wonder I love books now.

As I got older and got my own money, though, I began to leave the library behind and spend time at the bookstores. I love that I got to keep these books and read them over and over. And so, my book-collection (or "book obsession" as The Boy calls it) was born.

But now, with money being tight, I am considering the library again. I know there are some things I want to read (like the Tightwad Gazette) but I don't know if I want to spend my money on them. I want to check them out first. So, it's off to the library tonight to get me a free library card and some new things to read!


2 Responses to “Forray into the Library”

  1. Carolina Bound Says:

    I remember my mom dropping me off at the library, where I checked out 13 books, and, while waiting for her to pick me up, I had already read and returned one of them! I loved the library. It was a haven.

    I still do. I couldn't imagine spending money on all the books I read.

  2. scfr Says:

    It's wonderful that you are going to use the library! Enjoy! Smile

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