Home > Planned Spending, Sunday 7/1

Planned Spending, Sunday 7/1

July 1st, 2007 at 03:49 pm

Start of a new month, so I'm gonna refocus.

Going out to lunch today with Dads, which will be a freebie for me (thanks Dads!).

After that, I want to hit the bank to make a deposit, then the grocery store. Very nicely, my bank has a branch in the grocery store, so that will be only one stop.

Found a band I like at the concert I went to last night, so I am copying their CD right now onto my iPod. Didn't have to pay for the CD, so that is a bonus. Rest of the day I think will be quiet. Read, maybe work on the quilt I am making if it is not too hot, listen to this new CD. A friend at work let me borrow the first 3 episodes of that old show Firefly on DVD, so I want to watch at least one episode tonight, too.

I also want to figure out exactly what our bills are a month. I know we spend around this much for this, but I want to know exact numbers.

The plan for spending today is to spend only on groceries today, and my grocery budget for the week is $50. I need milk, lunch meat, bread, and some fruit and veggies. If it is on sale, maybe some yogurt and ice cream, but that is it.

I will do better this month! Smile

4 Responses to “Planned Spending, Sunday 7/1”

  1. littlegopher Says:

    With some solid plans, it sounds like your July is off to a great start - best wishes!!

  2. honeichild Says:

    Sounds like a good gameplan!

  3. scfr Says:

    Way to plan, Koppur!

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    I love Firefly! Nathan Fillion is fantastic in that show.

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