Home > Explination to yesterday's rent rant

Explination to yesterday's rent rant

June 5th, 2007 at 03:25 pm

So after my small rant about paying rent yesterday, I figured I should explain how and why I am suddenly angry re: rent and apartment living. As some of you may know, we have crazies living next to us. Literally. On one side there was a convicted pedophile (he has recently moved out, thanks goddess), on the other side of us is the one we call the Psycho Hose-beast – cops here all the time b/c she is wicked loud, she has huge fights w/friends and family and girlfriend that involve throwing things and slamming doors and she’s tried to kill herself twice). Across from us is the guy who was in Vietnam and never really left. Multiple personalities and voices and thinks he is still fighting a war. So, really, crazy neighbors. Thing is, I lurve our apartment. I’ve been there 4 ½ years. The whole apt (bedroom, living room, kitchen, dinning room) is blond hardwood floors, one wall in the kitchen is brick and has glass door cabinets, mini storage shelves built into the wall in the hall outside the bathroom, old fashion tub, and sliding wood/glass paned doors that slid into the walls between the living room and dinning room. 4 blocks from the zoo and a great park, 10 minutes from the ocean, 5 minutes to several huge strip malls; I really do love it.

But lately things have been getting to me: crazy neighbors, maintenance that doesn’t ever show up and fix anything (like our bathroom light which has been broke twice now), fighting for off street parking (more cars than spaces), crazy neighbors, not being allowed to paint the walls (I’ve lived with egg-shell white walls now for over 10 years. I’ve never been in a place where we can paint!), etc.

SO, we are thinking of moving. But then we said, well, instead of moving to another place where these same issues could pop up, and where we basically throw money away on rent every month, why don’t we look at buying a place. We know we can’t afford a house, so we are looking at some condos in the area.

6 Responses to “Explination to yesterday's rent rant”

  1. fern Says:

    Your place really does sound nice.

  2. Lau Says:

    And I was complaining with my neighbors and their mice!

    The home does make a difference. I'll tell you that. Good luck searching for a new place

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    We lived by psycho neighbors when we were young marrieds. We were in a townhome and fortunately on the end so we only had one set of crazy people next door. They fought so loudly and slammed doors so hard that the photos on our common wall would fall off. We once tape recorded them through the wall and it was like someone having a normal conversation in the same room with you, it was that loud. We also had to deal with the fact that the previous tenants of our apartment were con artists and had defaulted on two car loans and all sorts of other stuff. We had people showing up in the middle of the night trying to reposess cars that weren't there belonging to people who didn't live there. Scared the heck out of me as I was pregnant and DH was up in Alaska a lot. We only lived there the six months of our lease and then we were gone. No way was I living there with a baby.

    Do check out the neighbors before you buy a condo. Make sure you talk to people all along the hall and not just the people who are selling. You can have bad neighbors when buying too, which is infinitely worse, IMO.

  4. koppur Says:

    Thanks for the tip Lucky! Smile

  5. fern Says:

    Lucky Robin made a good point. When i was condo hunting, i knocked on the neighbor's doors and introduced myself, asking them what they liked most and least about the complex. It also gave me a good sense of what kind of people they were like.

  6. Lux Living Frugalis Says:

    Hey Koppur, good luck on the condo shopping!!!

    On the painting - you can't paint a place any color your like while you live there and then paint it back to eggshell when you move out????? UGH!

    Crazy neighbors? Sounds like you've more than your fair share. We had some headbangers live next to us once that wanted to play their music a bit too loudly. We got in on the act as well and played 'Barney' back to them for a few days. Suddenly the music stopped! Big Grin

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