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Happy Car News

May 5th, 2007 at 11:58 pm

So, thought my car had about 4 more payments left on it. I owed about $800. This totally rocks, since I got the car in 2001 and have been paying on it for the last 5 months. We could use that extra $200 a month after the car gets paid off.


I WAS WRONG!!!!!!!

Called to get my actual balance and its LESS THAN $400!!!!!!!!


Turns out I only have 2 monthly payments left (May and June). I put $200 a month on it when I can, but the actual monthly payment was less than that. Had no idea!

So, it looks like next month will be it and then the CAR IS OURS! I'm so excited! Not only will the extra money be great (going right towards other debt) but this is my car, all paid for. It's about to hit 100,000 miles and is about 7 years old, but god damn, I love that car!
I called

1 Responses to “Happy Car News”

  1. Amber Says:

    I am happy for you, that is great...nothing like not have a car payment

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