Home > Expected Income

Expected Income

October 30th, 2006 at 06:24 pm

Money I am waiting on:

$293.76 work travel reimbursement (in paycheck 11/17/06)
$103.78 medical reimbursement (by 11/07/06) ***RECIEVED***
$125.95 medical reimbursement (by 11/14/06) ***RECIEVED***
$241.27 medical reimbursement (by 11/14/06)
$10 medical reimbursement (by 11/14/06)***RECIEVED***
$10.00 check from surveys (3-6 weeks, by X-mas I hope)
$10.00 check from surveys (3-6 weeks, by X-mas I hope) (Yes, this is a second check I am waiting on Smile )
$350 bonus (??? Are they doing that again this year; around Turkey Day)
$768.00 extra paycheck in Dec due to how the weeks fall.

$52.08 my sis owes me (hopefully by November 17th)***RECIEVED***

Total expected in November: $876.84
Additional hoping for in November: $350.00
Total expected in December: $768.00
Additional hoping for in December: $20.00

Total Waiting on: $2,014.84

Spending it...

*Travel expense check will be split: $100 into EF Savings, $100 into CC Savings, and $93.76 onto Medical CC (to help pay for the coat)

*Medical expense checks go straight onto the Medical CC

*Survey checks go into the $20 Challenge/EF Account

*Bonus will be for the cross-country drive I am (hopefully!!) making in December.

*Money from Sis will also go towards the cross-country trip in December.

*Extra paycheck will be for X-mas shopping. NOTHING is going on the CC's this year!

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