Home > On the Hunt for CC Debt...

On the Hunt for CC Debt...

October 6th, 2006 at 09:19 pm

My paycheck is DD (Direct Deposit) so on paydays I just check my account to make sure it was deposited for the right amount. As I mentioned before, I often get extra money that is travel reimbursement. Well, this week I didn't have any extra in my pay, and I didn't even think about it. Then today I open the mail and I have a check for $248.60 from work! Milage reimbursement! YAY! Smile

Since I hadn't had any plans for this extra $$ because I had totally forgotten about it, I am going to deposit this whole check into my CC account/savings. If I need to use a bit for bills, it's there for me. If not, it just helps me get down the CC debt all the more quicker. And if I put it right into the savings, I won't be tempted to spend it on other things, like I would if it was just sitting in my checking account (which my ATM/debit card is attached to).

Watch out CC Debt! I'm coming for you! Wink

Old Savings (CC Debt) Total: $720.84
Added $248.60 milage reimbursement
New Savings (CC Debt) Total: $969.44

Big Grin

1 Responses to “On the Hunt for CC Debt...”

  1. JanH Says:

    Are you saving up the whole amount or paying off in intervals like monthly? Just curious. I've got an extra account that I put money in and am targeting a specific CC. I pay it out of there every month cos I like to see the balance go down! Need short term gratification.

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