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Saved on No-Tax Weekend

August 15th, 2006 at 01:21 pm

As I mentioned in an earlier post, this past weekend was the famous NO-TAX WEEKEND in Mass. They do this once a year, and it totally rocks (especially if you are in the market for a big item, like furniture). Just another reason why I love this state (along with the acceptance of same-sex marriages, but I digress...)

So, someone suggested I take whatever I saved on tax this weekend and apply it to my $20 Challenge total. Great idea!!!!

Over the no tax weekend, I spent $105.57 (which is relatively low for me to spend on a weekend, believe it or not! That's why I have so much debt!!!). Which means I saved $5.30 in tax (Mass has a 5% sales tax).

And, in it goes!

$20 Challenge Total: $14.32

1 Responses to “Saved on No-Tax Weekend”

  1. debtfree Says:

    Awesome! They had a no tax weekend in New Mexico a couple of weeks ago on school supplies only. We drive down there once in awhile to get supplies for my hubbies business. Should have made a trip then!

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