Home > August 14, 2006

August 14, 2006

August 14th, 2006 at 05:06 pm

This weekend I was able to send some money to Dad and to my sister. Whoo-hoo! Dad got $100 and sister got $50. It was money that came out of my paycheck. I got lucky and was able to pay most of my monthly bills w/my last paycheck, so I could afford to have some extra go out this time. Yay! =)

4 Responses to “August 14, 2006”

  1. Mary Says:

    Good job! But you are still in debt and you have a lot to do until your account balance will go up. Good luck in your work.

  2. koppur Says:

    Thanks Mary!

    I know I am still really far in debt, but hey, $150 is a great start. And I will be completely out of debt in 3 years. It took me longer than 3 years to rack it up, I can be happy with three years to knock it down!


  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    You have made a great start. Keep up the good work!

  4. koppur Says:

    Thanks for the encouragement LuckyRobin! =)

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