Home > Cash Flow

Cash Flow

November 7th, 2008 at 12:12 am

Took a look at our cash right now. We have $90 in the checking account. I have $35 to deposit in the bank from CITB. I made $29 last night ($4 went to CITB), leaving me $25 in cash. $7 for lunch today, leaving me $18 in cash. Waiting on a $10 check from a survey site I use. Waiting on a $17 dd from So, let's break it down a little easier for me to read.

Checking: $90
CITB: $35
Cash: $18
Total cash: $143

Waiting on
Survey check: $10
DD $17
Total waiting on: $27

So that is $160, when those two things come through. This is for the rest of the month, plus whatever I can earn at the tarot store the rest of the month, or until I get the freelance check I am waiting on.

The check will be for $1100, and will be broken down like this:

Check: $1100
- Health Ins.: $450
- Replace savings taken out: $200
Left: $450 for bills, holidays, and unexpected expenses.

We have groceries, may just have to pick up a few small items, like bread and tomatoes.

Will have to pay for therapy sessions ($15 a week) plus meds for the month.


So stressed.

4 Responses to “Cash Flow”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    So sorry...I keep wishing things would get better for you!! Have you started applying for disability yet? I would get on that as soon as you feel up to it...

  2. Koppur Says:

    Hey Ceejay...things are getting there, just slooowly...I have started the app, but it looks like it will be a bit of a wait. Thanks for the kind words!

  3. scfr Says:

    Sorry you are having a tough time right now, Koppur.

    It's actually $170 you have until the end of the month ($143 + $27 = $170) so hopefully the "extra" $10 makes you feel a bit better.

  4. Koppur Says:

    LOL scfr...thanks for the math help! Never has been my strong suit! Smile

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