Home > CC Payments

CC Payments

January 12th, 2008 at 02:36 pm

Since I don't get paid until the end of the month, I still can't put anything major on my CCs. I can't wait til I cam slap a $300 payment on each next month!! Smile But until then, here is my Jan payments.

Old LBCC Total: $1,177.07
PLUS Finance Charges: $22.59
PLUS clothes for work: $123.00
LBCC Balance: $1,322,66
LBCC Payment 1/12/08: $100
New LBCC Total: $1,222.66


Old ATTCC Balance: $3,282.83
Monthly charges: $92.45
Small payment $5
ATTCC Balance: $3,380.28

Paid off: $119.72

1 Responses to “CC Payments”

  1. disneysteve Says:

    I haven't gone back and reread everything, so you may have covered this already, but it looks like you are continuing to use the CC that you have a balance on. This month, you charged $123.00 in new purchases but only made a $100.00 payment. That means you are adding to your debt, adding to your finance charges and extending the time until the CC is paid off. Don't forget that if you have an existing balance, any new purchases incur finance charges immediately. You lose the grace period.

    My advice is to stop using the cards entirely and pay cash for all new purchases until you've got the cards paid off. Then, only charge what you can afford to pay in full each month when the bill comes. Good luck getting the debts paid off promptly.

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