Home > Another No Spender

Another No Spender

January 9th, 2008 at 05:12 pm

Yesterday was kind of a No Spender for me. I did pick up 2 of my meds, so I had to pay the pharmacy for them, but they are a necessity, not a want. And not even a necessity I can out off for a few more weeks. So, even though I did spend money on them, it is budgeted for, and I kinda had to.

I also got a new book, but I had a gift card from X-mas, so that wasn't really spending either. Smile

But I did resist the cappaccino that was calling my name all day.

Go me!

January No Spenders: 3

3 Responses to “Another No Spender”

  1. MariRDH Says:

    Hooray for you! You spent money...and yet you didn't. Sounds like a winner to me! Smile

  2. CanadianSaver Says:

    I love this time of the year when I can spend money, but not really, since I'm using a gift card :-)

  3. Amber Says:

    Got to love those no spend days (on the wants) that is awesome you by passed the should add this amount to your challenge

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