Home > Interest added to Vegas

Interest added to Vegas

September 1st, 2007 at 12:13 pm

LOL I love the first of the month. Smile

Old Vegas Total: $579.18
Interest added: $1.81
New Vegas Total: $580.99

I want to hit $2,000 before the trip (November 20th). I'd like to hit $1,200 by the end of September. It may be possible if I really watch my spending. I have one weekend in September where we are having a yard sale on Saturday, then I am doing tarot readngs at a psychic faire on Sunday. I should make good money that weekend. If I can get in lots of OT (which I think will be possible) and then make $$ that weekend, I may just be able to hit the $1,200 mark by October 1st.

I was able to save $278.85 in July, and $302.04 in August. Much less than my goal for Spetember ($600) but still amazing considering I usually suck at saving money. Smile I just need to really focus and be really agressive. Grrrrr.... Smile

Wish me luck!!!!

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